
Exclusive In-Depth Pricing Worksheet

The Ultimate Guide

✔️9 Aspect Target Analysis
✔️5 Dynamic Pricing Models
✔️6 Psychological Pricing Techniques
✔️10 Critical Metrics to Track


Best practices



Flexible Pricing Models


Pricing Techniques


Innov. Promo Strategies


Critical Metrics To Track

Attention App Owners, Revenue Managers and Developers! Are you ready to transform your app's financial landscape? Dive into our groundbreaking guide 'Pricing Strategy for In-App Payments' worksheet. This isn't just a resource; it's a roadmap packed with exercises you can apply to your app, cutting-edge strategies and actionable insights! Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:

🎯 3 Unique Selling Proposition Strategies: Stand out in the crowded app marketplace. Discover how to make your app not just another option, but the choice.

📊 9 Target Analysis Aspects: Dive deep into your audience's psyche. Uncover what drives them, what they need, and how your app can be the answer they're looking for.

💼 Competitor Analysis Table: Keep your friends close and your competitors closer. This structured table helps you glean strategic insights to stay ahead.

🏷️ 5 Flexible Pricing Models: One size doesn't fit all. Explore models that cater to different user segments, maximizing your app's appeal and profitability.

🧠 6 Psychological Pricing Tactics: The art of pricing is also the science of the mind. Learn how to turn browsers into buyers with techniques grounded in psychology.

🚀 8 Promotional Strategies: These innovative strategies are great for wider reach and deeper engagement.

📈 10 Key Metrics for Success: What gets measured gets managed. These metrics are your compass to navigating app monetization.

🗣️ 9 Feedback Methods: The user’s voice is your guiding star. Learn how to listen, adapt and evolve with actionable feedback.

This guide is great for product managers, app owners, revenue managers, developers and mobile engineers! Most importantly, it’s not just theories:

It's about real tactics, real advice and real results.

Glassfy is trusted by 1,000's of developers to build and grow in-app revenue


Why use Glassfy

Tooling built for developers and product teams to maximize the revenue from your apps


Offload your subscription logic

Glassfy provides a subscription backend - so you can focus on your core business. Install our SDK with only a few lines of code and wave goodbye to self-managed issues and maintenance


Accelerate your growth

Glassfy provides a suite of Growth tools such as Paywalls, Promotional Codes, and User Event Triggers that all maximize revenue along the user journey



Multi-store Backend

Glassfy provides infrastructure and support for multiple app stores and web so you can build a true multi-store experience and sell to your users wherever they are


Advanced Analytics

Managing all the data across stores is a pain, with Glassfy we unify all of that for you and provide it in real-time along with over a dozen out-of-the-box reports such as ARPU, churn rate, and more



Use Glassfy functions to transform app revenue data to fit how you operate your business. Using Glassy Functions it allows you to build to scale your business and create a totally flexible monetization strategy


You own your data, forever

Glassfy provides you your user data, but also all the store data as well including receipts, its your data to keep, forever

pricing guide